DOS Removes China, India, Others From Countries on Skills List for Exchange Visitors

DOS Removes China, India, Others From Countries on Skills List for Exchange Visitors

The Department of State (DOS) announced an update of the countries on the Exchange Visitors Skills List, effective December 9, 2024. This update supersedes the most recent update in 2009. DOS has removed China and India, among others, from the list. This means that J nonimmigrant exchange visitors from those countries who were subject to the two-year foreign residence requirement based on designations in the previously published Skills List no longer need to return to their countries for two years after their studies in the United States if their country is not on the revised list. DOS is not updating the skills on the list.

The notice explains that the Skills List is a list of countries designated as clearly requiring the services of persons engaged in certain fields of specialized knowledge or skills. Criteria for designation include overall economic development (per capita Gross Domestic Product), country size, and overall outbound migration rate, the notice states. In addition to China and India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and others were removed from the list.

Exchange visitors who seek a definitive determination from DOS of whether the two-year foreign residence requirement applies to them may request an Advisory Opinion from the Waiver Review Division, the notice says.

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