2. The company has on-going substantial international trade with the United States and its foreign trade is principally between the treaty country and the United States.
Trade is defined as the existing international exchange of items of trade between the US and treaty country. The items traded include actual goods but also services, international banking, insurance monies, transportation, communications, data processing, accounting, design and engineering, management consulting, tourism, technology and its transfer, and some news-gathering activities.
For the company’s international trade to be principally between the United States and the treaty country, it should be at least more than 50 per cent of the total volume of international trade between the US and the treaty country. Domestic trade within the treaty country is not counted in calculating whether the amount of trade is principally between the US and treaty country.
The trade will be substantial if it is an amount of trade that is sufficient to insure a continuous flow of international trade between the US and the treaty country. It cannot be based on a single transaction, regardless of how protracted or monetarily valuable the trade.